It was whilst visiting Andalucia in early 2000 and a desire to be close to the ancestral spirit of the guitar that I became committed to becoming a guitar maker.
Fuelled by numerous visits to guitar makers in Spain and the UK I set about transforming my studio from a place dedicated to making sculpture and photography to a workshop dedicated to making Classical and Flamenco guitars.
Having studied at the Slade School of Art, London, the transition was not as dramatic as it may sound as my skills and capacity for crafting objects has always been at the forefront of my art work and it immediately became an integral part of the building process.
The pages that follow are a representation of my learning and understanding of the instruments to date and a celebration of the craft and artistry of guitar making.
Sitting in my living room in Charleston SC.
Steve Nicolll and I spent the morning watching football,and reminiscing.
I asked about yo,having fond memories of the time you were in Charleston,and later when Steve was doing his MFA.He told me he had heard you were making guitars,and thanks to the wonders of the internet,voila.
By the way I still have a charcoal drawing you made when in Charleston.
Any way ,best wishes for the new year
Richard Day
Hello Paul
your photo of yourself?
I was listening to Dublin Guitar Quarter play a Glass work and remembered you’re a guitar maker concern and striving for precision – exactitude in what you sought. So looked on www to see.
hope you’re well.